Assessment, grading and feedback

In this course, we discuss how to work with assessment in a meaningful, and at the same time fair and impartial, way. During the course you will also get the opportunity to acquaint yourself with the rules and regulations that encompass assessment, both on a national and local level.

This course is aimed at

  • Teacher
  • Other teaching staff


  • Pedagogy

The course address different methods of assessment; when, how and what we examine. Summative (end of course) and formative (during the course) methods will be described and discussed. The course highlights the advantages and disadvantages of different forms of assessment as well as the connection with the intended learning outcomes (constructive alignment). Construction of exams and different question formats will also be addressed.

Assessment is both a time demanding task as well as an important pedagogical tool. Assessment and grading is regulated by guidelines based on the principle of fairness and the legal framework. During the course, we will discuss different grading systems and grading scales, including their advantages and disadvantages. We also address outcome-based grading and how grading criteria can be used in assessment and learning.

Target group

University teachers and other staff with teaching assignments at Uppsala university, that are or will be involved in assessment, and with basic knowledge in the field of academic teaching and learning. The course is limited to 24 participants. First come first served.


To be accepted you need to have completed the Academic teacher training course, or equivalent, comprising at least five weeks.


The course corresponds to one week, including four campus days and the rest as individual studies. Attendance is mandatory on the first campus day. At most one of the other days can be replaced with other tasks, however not the part with oral presentations on the last day.

Course goals

After completion of the course, the course participants should be able to

  • account for central rules and guidelines, relevant for assessment
  • value and formulate intended learning outcomes based on established theories and principles
  • select and argue for assessment types particularly well adapted to a given context and which allow assessment of the three knowledge categories in the higher education ordinance, with high reliability and validity
  • discuss outcome based grading and how grading criteria can be used to clarify requirements for different grades
  • account for the alignment between learning outcomes, grading criteria and assessment
  • account for different types of feedback and how a teacher can develop students' self-awareness and support learning through feedback
  • provide constructive written or oral feedback to written text and oral presentation
  • use formative assessment as support for student learning

Course dates

For more information about dates see Calendar.

The course will be held at Campus Blåsenhus.


The course is given in English and Swedish, in a mixed form. Presentations and instructions are given in English. In group work, discussions in small groups and individual texts, the participants can choose either Swedish or English.

More information

Division for Quality Enhancement

Emma Lundkvist, Phone: 018-471 49 16. E-mail:

Malin Gadeborg, telefon: 018-471 69 08 E-mail:

The following applies for all courses given by the Unit for Academic Teaching and Learning: If a course participant is unable to complete a course within the given time frame, all elements / assignments must be completed within three years from the start of the course in order to receive a passing grade / certificate of completion. The prerequisite for this is that course information and course objectives are the same.

An important aspect of students' learning is feedback. It should both act as “feedback" and "feed forward", i.e. the student should be able to use the feedback to develop their skills both in connection with a given assignment and in the future. We discuss how to work with different forms of feedback, including peer-feedback.

Other themes addressed in the course are cheating and plagiarism as well as how examination can be tailored to students with special needs.

You work continuously throughout the course with development of assessment, grading and feedback for one of your own courses, in your own subject field.

Course occasions and sign-up

10 februari 2025, 09:0016 maj 2025, 16:00
Room: Campus Blåsenhus
Language of instruction
Application deadline: 2024-10-15
Missing link
Registration will open in the end of August

