Appendices, tables and figures

If you have a lot of data or, for example, interview forms or more detailed results, you may want to consider putting them in one or more appendices. Tables and figures in the Appendices are numbered as Table A1, Table A2 etc. and NOT in the same sequence as other tables and figures.

Tables and figures

How much data should be reported? Present your results in such a way that the reader can see that your claims are justified. You must present representative data in summary charts and tables. Avoid long tables of raw data. These can be included as appendices at the back of your work. Report your data either in a table or a figure, never both.

Use tables for numerical data or data that can be described in a few words. Everything else is shown as figures. Once you have reported data in a table or figure, do not repeat the data in the body of the text. Instead, present the main results in words, as described above. The heading of the table or the figure, together with the explanatory text, should be detailed and comprehensive enough for the reader to understand what the table or figure shows without having to browse the rest of the report. That means it must be clear what you have analysed and what kind of analysis you have done.

Tables and figures are numbered with Arabic numerals, in the order they are cited in the text, in separate series (Table 1, 2, 3, ..., Figure 1, 2, 3...). You must refer to all figures and tables from the body of the text.

A table has a heading at the top that tells you what the table shows. If you need an explanatory text in addition to the heading, there are a few different traditions. You can either have an explanatory table text at the top or use footnotes or a short descriptive text below the table. Check with your teacher/supervisor about what applies in your case.

The table header contains headings for all columns showing quantities and units. The leftmost column designates the categories (Compound 4) whose properties are shown in the following columns (IC50 and LLE). All values in a table row must relate to the category designated in the leftmost column of that row, and the table should be organised to be read from left to right. That means the quantities whose properties you are examining (what you would put on the x-axis if you were making a graph) are listed vertically in the leftmost column.

Horizontal lines are inserted only at the top, below the table head and at the bottom (see the example above). Vertical lines are not usually used in scientific tables, nor are horizontal lines used in the table itself.

If a measurement value is missing, it is indicated by “EB” (“ej bestämt”) or “ND” (“not determined”) to show that it is not zero. In English, decimals are written with decimal points, so you need to change this in data printouts that have Swedish commas. You can use footnotes to explain individual rows or columns in the table.

Figures can be, for example, charts, maps or sketches of various kinds. For diagrams, both axes should be labelled with quantities (what is measured) and units. All figures need a figure text underneath. You should be able to read the figure text independently of the main text. Here are some examples of what figures can look like:

Only use curves when the dependent variable varies continuously. In other cases, we use bar charts (for discrete variables) and histograms (bar charts, for continuous variables or class-based material). Example of a histogram:

Use colours carefully and make sure that your images can be understood even if printed in greyscale.

