Jennifer Meadows research group

Comparative genomics to dissect complex disease

Comparative genomics involves the evaluation of genome homology, composition, organization and function, both within and across the species border. Through these analyses we can identify regions of genomic sequence that are conserved and constrained. These can be used as signposts for functional regions of the genome, including non-coding regulatory elements hidden to current high throughput scans, or elements yet to be identified in species with less resources than human or mouse. Our research team leverages these constrained signposts to aid in the dissection and functional characterisation of those natural genetic variants that contribute to heritable complex disease.

In combination with our national and international collaborators, we are an interdisciplinary team with expertise in molecular and population genetics, genome sequencing, bioinformatics, immunology and neurobiology.

Research Focus

We are currently investigating the molecular genetics of:

(1) Perturbations of the immune system: autoinflammatory disease (AID) and ankylosing spondylitis (AS).

(2) Canine brain neural networks: how does our best friend’s brain function in comparison to ours.

Research funding is provided by the Swedish Research Council, FORMAS.

