Rehabilitation Medicine

A physiotherapist with a man riding an indoor exercise bike facing a mirror so you can see their reflections in focus.

Our research group focuses on exploring various aspects of rehabilitation medicine to benefit a diversity of individuals with different disabilities. This includes addressing physical, cognitive, and psychosocial aspects of rehabilitation. Through interdisciplinary research, we aim to develop innovative methods for rehabilitation and optimize treatment strategies to promote long-term functional improvement and quality of life for our patients.

Description of our research

A woman throwing a ball.

Our research group in rehabilitation medicine at the university is committed to exploring and enhancing rehabilitation methods to improve the quality of life for individuals with various disabilities. By employing an interdisciplinary approach and collaborating with various stakeholders, we strive to develop innovative rehabilitation strategies that address the complex needs of our patients.

We work with a variety of rehabilitation methods, such as physical exercise, cognitive rehabilitation, and psychosocial support. We are convinced of the importance of partnerships and collaboration to drive research forward and ensure that our efforts reach and benefit as many people as possible. By integrating the latest technology into our studies, we also aim to make rehabilitation care more efficient and accessible to all.

Our research group is closely affiliated with the academic hospital to create a strong research environment and enable close collaboration with partners and stake­holders. This affiliation provides us with access to current clinical cases and the opportunity to implement and evaluate our research findings in real healthcare settings. By practically applying our research, we aim for a faster transfer of innovations from the laboratory to the patient's side, improving the effectiveness of care and patient outcomes. Our close collaboration with the clinical team and other stakeholders in healthcare is crucial to ensure that our research is relevant, evidence-based, and has a real impact on patient care.


