Respiratory-, Allergy- and Sleep Research

An elderly female patient blows into a measuring device while a nurse looks on.

Asthma, allergy, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and sleep apnea are diseases with a high prevalence and a high impact on public health. In our research we investigate how the environment influences asthma and allergy and the relationship between obesity related diseases such as asthma, gastroesophageal reflux, diabetes and sleep apnea. Another aim is to improve the prognosis in COPD by investigating the impact of physical exercise and nutrition.

Description of our research

Asthma is one of the most common diseases in our modern society. Increased knowledge about the impact of environmental factors like smoking and indoor air pollution may make it possible to prevent and decrease the prevalence of asthma.

Obesity is on the rise in our society. Increased knowledge on how different obesity related diseases such as asthma, reflux, sleep apnea and diabetes are related increases the possibility of optimal treatment in patients with more than one obesity related disease.

The prevalence of COPD is increasing. At present no pharmacological intervention has a proven effect on the prognosis of COPD. If it is possible to demonstrate that physical exercise training in combination with nutritional treatment, and in selected patients oxygen, improves quality of life and reduces hospitalisations large benefits will be achieved both from a patient and society perspective.

